DNP Working Group minutes 12th April 2018

7.00pm Desford Library

In Attendance: David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield

Apologies: Bernard Grimshaw, Lisa Botterill, June Morris, Colin Crane, Andrew Norton , Darren Tilley, Jim Houghton, Kay Smith

  1. Welcome:

Martyn thanked everyone for attending and asked for apologies to be listed

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

There were no matters arising.

  1. Declaration of Interest:


  1. Chairman’s Report:

Martynexplained that he had been unavailable recently due to family commitments and apologised for this.

He reported that Darren was to take a less active role in the group due to work and family circumstances.

Congratulations were offered on his wife’s pregnancy.

Bernard had offered to take over the role of interim treasurer and was thanked for this.

  1. Terms of Reference and Governance document:

Martyn asked whether everyone had received and read the above document.  This was acknowledged.  He explained that Bernard had compiled the document and Pat had proof read it.  It was noted that if the document was endorsed by the DNPWG it would go the next Parish Council meeting for approval.  There was a brief discussion about the contents and a reminder that the agendas and minutes of DNPWG meetings need to be posted on both the Parish Council and Desford Vision websites.  It was also mentioned that any expenditure by the group needs to be approved by the Parish Council.

It was then proposed that the Terms of Reference and Governance document for Desford Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Working Group be accepted.  Proposer- David Crocker, Seconder – Scott Wakefield. This was carried unanimously.

A copy of the document will be sent to the Parish Clerk and is an agenda item for the next Parish Council meeting.

It was noted that the DNPWG had a Terms of Reference document when it was originally set up but this formalises what we are now doing.

  1. Treasurers Report / grant applications:

Martyn stated that the Awards for All grant application had been sent in early April.

Locality funding: Applications for this had opened again on the 3rd April. Bernard had emailed to ask the group to clarify who would be filling in the application form.  Pat said that Gary had completed the first draft and sent it to Darren for comments.  Darren had offered to complete this and it was agreed to ask him if he would do this as soon as possible.  Action –Pat to email Darren and ask him to complete and send the application and also to let the DNPWG know when this had been done.  David asked about the timescale once the application had been submitted.  Pat replied that she thought it would take 2 to 3 weeks.

  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

This was postponed to the next meeting.

  1. FATE focus group:

Martyn reported that Jim had received an email regarding consideration of the opening of The National Forest Railway Line (Ivanhoe Line) to passenger traffic.  Mike (YL) had suggested that this could be included in an appendix at the end of the NP document.  There was also a possibility of the group adding 5 extra appendices.

The plan document including future rail transport for the region can be found at  Consultation deadline has been extended until the 10th May.

Martyn stated that the group still needed more information on a number of village organisations.

Also that there needed to be a general review of the traffic and transport section to ensure that nothing had been missed eg cycle paths.

David asked if the group had completed their work with Mike (YL) and Martyn said that they were nearly there.

  1. Environmental Group:

Pat reported that the group had not met since the last meeting.Pat is still waiting to hear from Paul Grundy (HBBC).June has been to a meeting of the 3 Villages Walking Group which had discussed footpaths. A short report had been written and forwarded to John.  The group still need to discuss cycle paths.

10.Housing Group:

David reported that the housing group have been waiting for funding since February and are now planning a meeting on the 26th April.  Derek (YL) thinks this will be the penultimate focus group meeting with Your Locale. When all assessments are completed they will be sent to HBBC who will then forward the individual assessment to each of the stakeholders. There will then be a time limit for them to respond.  Replies to responses will be handled by Your Locale.  The same set methodology applies to each assessment.  This will help to determine DNP preferred sites, although the quota has been met until 2026.  Pat asked if the DNPWG could see the assessments and it was agreed that a summary of these would be sent to the group when completed.  Judy asked when the environment group would be able to comment on the sites.  This input will take place when the favoured sites are chosen.

Pat asked if the owners of the garages in St. Martin’s Drive had been identified.  David replied that this was with HBBC at the moment.

Ewan asked how the stakeholders had been identified.  David replied that this had started with the landowners showing interest in building in the parish when HBBC invited expressions of interest to be included in their site allocations document. He also commented that no new stakeholders had been identified in the latest review.

11.Cross referencing /Communication between groups/ group leaders meeting:

No group leaders meeting had taken place. It was agreed that this would be postponed until the draft chapters were almost completed.

12.Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford:

No recent information.


David asked about progress of the traffic monitoring. Pat said the VAS was waiting for a reply from the County Council as agreement was needed on the positioning of these.  The traffic survey consultant has started work. David then asked if the results could be included in the DNP.  Pat stated that Gary (YL) suggested that these could be included provided that it did not hold up the progress of the DNP.  Currently there is no indication of the timescale of the survey.  It was then asked if it would be possible for the DNPWG to do its own survey eg of HGV.  The difficulties about doing this were discussed.  Pat reported that the Parish Council would like to put a CCTV camera on the Co-op building at the top of Peckleton Lane to monitor traffic there. The PC is waiting for the Parish Clerk to approach the Co-Op.

The date for the next meeting was discussed. Due to the relatively few members able to attend the meeting it was decided to set a provisional date.  Judy was asked to canvas the active members of the DNPWG to see if a date to suit a greater number of members could be agreed.

  1. Next meeting:

Thursday 17th May 2018 7pm at the library.

Meeting closed.  8.02 pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………


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