DNP Working Group minutes 9th January 2018

7.00pm St. Martin’s Church

In Attendance:  Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe,

Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Scott Wakefield

Apologies:  Paul Angelinetta, Lisa Botterill, Darren Tilley, June Morris, Kaye Johnson,

  1. Welcome:

Martyn thanked everyone for attending and asked for apologies to be listed.

  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising.

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

There was one issue raised. What is happening re the constitution of the working group?  Colin reported back that this had been discussed at the last Parish Council meeting but had not been recorded in the minutes.  Jim proposed that we seek to get confirmation of our status as a working group of the Parish Council from them. This was seconded by Bernard and carried unanimously.

Chairman’s Report

Martyn wished everyone a happy new year and stated that there were some changes to the group. He explained that Linda had resigned from the group and Kaye had stepped down from the role of secretary. Thanks were given to both of them for all their hard work. Judy had taken over the role of secretary.  He stated that the last quarter of 2018 had been very busy for all and that the plan was due to be completed later this year. Bernard added that the date for the draft was July 2018.

  1. Declaration of Interest


  1. Treasurers report / grant application

Darren had emailed to say that the financial situation remained unchanged.

With reference to the grant application- Locality had queried the quotes and Gary had sent through updated documents. Colin said that his understanding was that the clerk was dealing with this and the situation was resolved. He will check with the clerk and at the resources meeting.

The Housing Assessment grant application has gone in. Bernard stated that if we get this money it is restricted to £6 000 and If we get the remaining £4 500 from Locality, there will be no more available from this source.

It was agreed to ask Darren to look at what monies might be needed post 31st March to fund future publicity, hire of venues etc.

Awards for All Grant

Gary asked if this had been applied for as it can take about 10 weeks to go through. He said Your Locale would be happy to provide any information needed. Colin confirmed that this grant could now be applied for, as it is outside the time restrictions. Bernard enquired if the Parish Council could be asked formally, if this grant could be applied for. Colin agreed to talk to the clerk about putting the Neighbourhood Development Plan as a separate agenda item for the next meeting. It was also agreed to ask Darren to apply for an Awards for All grant and liaise with the clerk as needed.

5 Desford Vision

Jim said that had been 12 hits so far on the website this year. He has agreed to upload the agendas and minutes of the DNPWG to the website in future.

Bernard queried whether the Parish Council had seen his Vision Report. Colin replied that they have had a chance to see this, but that it was not necessarily recorded in the minutes of the meeting. If it is in the minutes or if not, after the January Parish Council meeting, Jim and Bernard will upload the report to the website.

6 Communication officer’s report

Bernard reported that he and Pat had attended a very useful Leicestershire Council networking event.  They had learnt about networking county wide, Locality grants and that the borough can write to stake holders on our behalf. He had spoken to Sam Hatfield who had explained that HBBC no longer dealt with neighbourhood plans and that this was contracted out to the RCC. It was agreed that Bernard would continue to work with John Preston (RCC) over this.  Sam had confirmed that HBBC can write on our behalf.

Gary stated that all completed Neighbourhood Plans should be reviewed on an annual basis by the Parish Council  and more often if significant change occurs.

Bernard also mentioned that The Strategic Growth Plan document is due to be issued in early 2018. This is likely to impact on all Leicestershire boroughs and districts and also the city. We have an opportunity to respond to the consultation  until 5th April.

  1. FATE focus group

Jim reported that the group still had quite a lot of work to do but that it was making progress and that he was taking the lead on facilities, Martyn on employment and Colin on transport. They had collected a list of community actions and proposed policies.

Martyn noted that the use of the internet at Bosworth Academy may be affecting broadband speed in the village as a whole. He also asked that if anyone has any contact details for any local businesses in the parish to let him know.

Gary reminded all groups to phrase wording carefully as the final document will be coming from the Parish Council. He also suggested that the DNPWG should continue to be involved, even after the plan’s approval.

  1. Environmental Group

Pat reported that the group had met with John in the middle of December and had another meeting with him planned for the 29th January. John is working hard and had submitted a draft chapter for the report. Changes and gaps in this had been discussed. Jim had kindly met with the group to discuss renewable energy and had written up a draft for this section. Pat is working on descriptions for local heritage list buildings.  Judy and June on checking open spaces and wildlife scoring. Gary said that John had offered to meet informally with the group before the next planned meeting if desired. The notes from the last meeting will be written up and circulated to DNPWG with these minutes.

9 Housing Group

David reported that the housing group are having regular meetings with Derek and have another planned in January. There are many complex issues. They have looked at the SHELAA sites and are considering the development of the old buildings (Polebrook House) at Kirby Grange as an elderly person’s centre. There was a need for this, as shown by the responses to the questionnaire.

The group’s next step was to encourage land owner engagement through an open evening, to give people the maximum opportunity to respond. No date has been chosen as yet but land owners have been identified.

Gary said that Derek was confident that work would be completed by the end of March. He also asked if there had been any other discussions eg about design. David said that the design decision was to not be too prescriptive.  Gary agreed a broad design policy was probably the best idea.

Bernard commented that the group’s thoughts were that if housing development was imposed on the parish that sites to the east of the village should be considered. This is to minimise additional traffic problems near the primary school and at the top of Peckleton Lane.

10.Cross referencing /Communication between groups.

Certain topics have links between the groups.  These need to be strongly considered before putting the final document together.

The housing group’s main preferred site has been identified as land to the east of Barns Way.

Davidsons are also expected to be making a presentation to the Parish Council about their new submission. This is presumed to be the land that was previously refused planning permission.

It was suggested that the land where there are currently old garages in St. Martin’s Drive could be used for housing for older people. Martyn asked if this could be ring fenced for Desford Parish residents as a rural exception site. Gary commented there would be a good reason to show a rural exception site in the plan as it would give additional protection (but these are usually on Greenfield sites).

Judy mentioned that it would be important to maintain access to the Charity Fields through the site proposed for housing off Barns Way. The fields score very highly in the Environmental Inventory and also the land there is listed as one of the best views within the parish.

Pat asked the FATE group whether they had discussed footpaths. The idea being to create new circular footpath walks in the parish. Jim stated that footpaths had been discussed by FATE but that they were happy for the environment group to work on this.

Gary suggested that each group work at the policies from their own perspective and that he will put them together when they are ready. He suggested that the 3 group leaders should meet together a week before the next meeting to discuss this. This could be reported back and put on the agenda for next meeting.

David suggested that as Martyn gets notes from all the groups he could check this.

  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford

Colin explained that there are now two Facebook pages –Spotted Desford and Spotted Desford- the New Edition. He said it was not particularly busy at the moment.

  1. AOB

Martyn mentioned that we need to ask the Parish Council to authorise funding for the hire of St. Martin’s Church for this meeting.  Colin agreed to speak to the clerk.

Local Plan Review leaflet-   Pat had forwarded this to some of the group and will recirculate it to everyone. Parish Council can respond to this and it has to be done by the 4th March.  Members of the group offered to attend drop in sessions: 30th Jan – David and Bernard, 2nd February- Pat and Colin, 12th February – David and Bernard, 26th February- Colin. Others are also welcome to attend. Pat asked if anyone does attend to make a few notes and report back at the next meeting. Agenda item

Desford Carnival is on Sunday 10th June 2018 at SID. It is suggested we hold a stall for the villagers to see what we have been doing and to engage community interest.   Martyn agreed to return the invitation form.

A joint meeting with Newbold and Barlestone was held on the14thNovember, which Bernard, David and Pat attended. The main theme is traffic on the B582. Newbold Verdon has not had the results back from their community speed watch yet but have offered to help us if we wish. Colin has agreed to contact Roger King to discuss transport and footpaths. Minutes from this meeting will be circulated.

Gary reported that Your Locale has revamped their website and encouraged everyone to take a look. It has previously published plans and useful links on it and will be updated on a regular basis.

Gary added that Your Locale has produced an interactive presentation entitled ‘Planning Policy Pitfalls’ which is 20 minutes long. He thought that the timing was now appropriate for the group and offered to show this. It was agreed that presentation would be shown at the start of the next meeting and Bernard suggested that members of the Parish Council should also be invited to see this.  Pat agreed to invite Parish Council at their next meeting.

  1. Next meeting

7pm Tuesday 13th February 2018 at the library.

Meeting closed.  8.49pm.

I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:

Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………


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