DNP Working Group minutes 13th November 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 13th November 2018

1.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Andrew Norton,  Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Jim Houghton,  John Preston RCC, Judy Sharpe, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Rupert Pullin, Scott Wakefield, Michael Gregg


Apologies: Ewan Lindsay,


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Declaration of Interest:

Bernard  declared one matter of interest. His house is listed on the Heritage List


  1. Briefing by RCC

Martyn asked if everyone had received and read the briefing paper. Copies were distributed.

John Preston from the RCC spoke about the public Open Consultation Events and made a number of points.

  • It is important to answer queries and to explain the process- but personal opinions should not be expressed by DNPWG members
  • Emphasise that if comments are made they need to be written on the correct form, either paper or online and sent to the Parish Clerk.
  • Closing date 21st December 2018
  • All comments need a name and address. Anonymous comments cannot be considered
  • Paper comment forms will be available at the open events and in Desford Library until 21.12.18
  • Forms can be filled in on the day or taken away and returned to the library or posted to the clerk
  • After the 21st of December all comments will be collated by the RCC and then passed to Your Locale
  • All comments will be listed and addressed. (Some may be acknowledged before this date at the discretion of the clerk)


John answered a number of questions

  • It is expected that there could be between 35 and 60 respondents
  • The public do not need to be invited to a meeting to discuss the comments. The DNP document will be available to the public after the comments are added and it is taken to a full PC meeting. The recommendations will be reasoned outcomes.
  • YL will do most of the initial work on the comments. They will then bring these to a DNPWG meeting for the group to discuss
  • The comments and the responses will be included in the consultation document


  1. Open Consultation Events

Colin stated that paper copies of the document would be available for reference at the open events and in Desford Library. He commented that some people were already looking at these.

Jim stated that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan is now on the Desford Vision website. This is now getting 50 -60 hits a day as opposed to the average of 2 a day previously.

John Preston RCC stated he is in the process of preparing the posters for the consultation event. These will be A3 in size and laminated. An online example was shown. They will include the policy statements and reasons for these. The posters should be ready for the end of day on Thursday.

Action – Colin to liaise with John about collection of these.

The RCC will provide some maps but it was suggested that DNPWG also provide maps for the public to consult. DNPWG are providing the boards so time needs to be allowed to set the display up. Colin to take the boards, poster, maps and briefing papers to Botcheston Village Hall for 8.30am on the 17th November.

Colin asked whether the posters would explain the difference between a policy statement and a community aspiration. John agreed to include this.

Andrew suggested that the public attending the event could be given a copy of the briefing paper. It was agreed that this would be a good idea. A new heading would be needed and the date changed. June suggested that the last paragraph of the briefing paper be amended to emphasise that over 50% of those voting in the referendum need to be in favour and explain the consequences if this does not happen.

Action-Pat to amend briefing paper.

Open events

  • Botcheston Village Hall Saturday 17th November 10am to 3pm -Andrew , Bernard, Pat and Colin
  • Desford Library Saturday November 24th 10am to 3pm – Martyn, Colin, Judy, David, Rupert

Other members of the DNPWG are welcome to help at these events if available

The display in Desford library will remain up until the closing date of the 21st December 2018


  1. Publicity / distribution discussion

Flyers had been delivered to all properties except those in Kirby Muxloe. These will be done asap. Spare flyers to be given to Colin or Pat or left in the library.

John Preston has contacted all stakeholders on behalf of the RCC.

The banner advertising the consultation will be collected on the 14.11.18

Rupert commented that there were problems accessing the Desford Vision Facebook account. It may be easiest to shut down the old account and open a new one. He had put links to the Desford Vision website on Spotted Desford and the Open Gardens facebook pages.


  1. Report from PC meeting 5.11.2018

Colin reported that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan document was endorsed unanimously by the members of the PC who were present.


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

Martyn asked if there was any progress in the change of postcode for Neovia. Colin reported that Neovia and the PC have both written to the Royal Mail, but there is no progress as yet.

Martyn asked about the traffic survey report. Action-Colin to circulate report to the group.  Jim commented that all HGV working at the construction site at SiD were sent clear instructions to enter the site from Dan’s Lane. Any vehicles seen to be travelling through the village were reported to the companies concerned.

Martyn asked about the Housing Group meetings with potential developers. David stated that four meetings had taken place and that Derek and members of the housing group had attended these. Colin said that he had also attended these as a member of the PC and emphasised that all sites had been treated the same.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Bernard stated that financially there was no change from the previous meeting. There is an adequate budget to cover the publicity event within the terms of the Awards for All Grant. Gary has put this in writing to the PC.

Bernard has not had not had any further financial requests from Gary on behalf of Your Locale. When these are completed he will fill in the end of grant form for Locality as this is time limited funding.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard stated that articles about the progress of the DNPWG had been published in The Graphic and the Parish Magazine. He will prepare another article before The Graphic’s publishing deadline at the end of November. It was agreed that this would include a brief contents of the plan and the consultation events. Action -Andrew agreed to take photos of the event at Botcheston. Action -Pat and Scott agreed to help with the wording of the article.

It was agreed to send a brief article to Tom Pegden , business editor at the Leicester Mercury about the DNP.
Bernard had responded to the HBBC ‘scoping’ exercise form. He had sent Fran Belcher a copy of the timeline as the final part of this.

He mentioned that he and Pat were unable to attend the November Neighbourhood Plan Networking Event on the 20th November 2018 organised by the LCC. Action -Colin said that he had offered to attend this.

Bernard stated that a youth questionnaire had not been done. It was agreed that it was now too late to do this. Colin suggested that KS3 at Bosworth Academy could have the details of  the plan explained to them after it is finalised.


  1. Discussion of Pre- Submission Draft of Neighbourhood Plan:

Martyn reported that a comments form had already been received from a parishioner saying that their property had been wrongly described in the local listing in the DNP. Colin stated that it was up to the PC clerk to decide whether to acknowledge this, or not, and that the comments will be dealt with at the end of the consultation period.

John said that comments are not normally acknowledged.

Bernard stated that the DNPWG should give themselves a gentle pat on the back for getting this far.

Colin said that the DNPWG, as a group of lay people, should be proud  to have produced the document.


  1. AOB:

Andrew asked about how feedback could be given from the open event in Botcheston Village Hall to that in Desford Library. Colin said that he intended to attend both open events so he could do this.

It was suggested that a count be made of the numbers of people attending the events.

There was a discussion about the date of the next meeting. John stated that Gary and Your Locale should receive the report containing the comments before the end of January. Your Locale will then need to answer these and discuss them at a meeting of the DNPWG. It was agreed that at the moment there was no need for another meeting until the start of February. John reminded the group that there was still HBBC‘s own consultation period and the SEA to take place.


Martyn thanked everyone, and particularly John Preston, for attending.


  1. Date of next meeting:


Tuesday February 5th 2019 7pm at the library.


Meeting closed.  8.25 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




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