Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 5 January 2017


In attendance: Pat Crane, Martyn Randle (chair), David Crocker, Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson,   Linda Mitchell, Judy Sharpe, Colin Crane, Darren Tilley, Malcolm Peel, Kay Smith, Paul Angelinetta


Apologies: Helen Nightingale, Adrian Dickinson, Julie Peel, John Preston, Joe Scarratt, Sam Hatfield


  1. Welcome and Chair’s Report: Martyn said we are on target with the questionnaire. The penultimate draft of the questionnaire was on the agenda. The minutes of the December co-ordinators meeting had been circulated.


  1. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed


  1. Matters arising: There will be a short questionnaire drawn up for the students at Bosworth Academy, but it will be kept separate as non-residents, who are also students at the Academy, will be completing this.


  1. Treasurers Report: There has been no spending since last meeting, however we need to be aware that some large costs will soon be incurred, including the Website, Questionnaire expenses and Consultant fees. But we will be able to claim against the Locality grant towards these.  Darren confirmed that the money from the Parish Council will be rolled over.  He reminded members to claim for expenses for printing etc.   We don’t have to pay CFS for their website work until it has all been completed.


  1. Communications Officer Report: The report that had been circulated. Jim, along with Colin and Bernard, agreed to oversee the website progress with CFS


  1. Website: The Parish Council accepted our recommendation of CFS to design and produce the website and this has now been confirmed with them, and an email sent to the other two tenders. Craig has purchased the domain name of .   The site to consist of blue headlines with a black Arial font.  Craig is to also set up twitter and Facebook facilities.  A discussion took place as to how communication is to be dealt with once the questionnaire has gone out; David, Kay S and Kaye J agreed to deal with these initially, but to assess how much work is involved.  If it is deemed necessary, outside help will be sourced and paid for.


  1. Co-ordinating Group meeting: Minutes of the December meeting, previously circulated, were discussed.


  1. Questionnaire:

Bernard has talked to Richard Mugglestone who confirmed that a covering letter isn’t required; our intro is quite sufficient.  Richard hasn’t got back with costs.  He agreed that coloured paper would be used for their section, to differentiate which part needs to be sent back in the envelope.   To keep the cost down, perhaps use greyscale for the photos instead of colour?  Richard strongly suggested that we send a flyer out in mid-February to all houses, saying that the Questionnaire is coming soon.

Malcolm said that there is no mention of business / retail additional buildings in the questionnaire.  This was discussed at section 8.

The penultimate copy of the questionnaire was discussed, question by question, with various changes suggested.  Colin will make the amendments.  The final draft needs to be with the Parish Council Clerk by 11 January, so that it may be sent out with the agenda to all Parish Councillors for their meeting on 18 January.

It was suggested that once the PC has accepted the questionnaire, perhaps a few people should be asked to complete it before going out for full print.  This was accepted.

The Graphic is the likely source for delivery, with some of the committee members having to do the outlying areas that Dean does not deliver to.

The completed forms are to be collected.  If people aren’t at home, a note is to be pushed through doors asking if they can please deliver the completed copy to either the Library in Desford or Manor Farm Cottage in Botcheston.

An email is to be sent out by Kaye to all on the list asking for help for collection of the forms.


  1. AOB: none


Next co-ordinators meeting:  19th January 6.30pm Desford Village Hall

Next full meeting: 9th February 7.30pm Desford Library


Meeting closed at 10.30pm





I confirm this is a true copy of the meeting.


Signed……………………………………   Name………………………………………………..




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