
The production of the Desford Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being led by Desford Parish Council with the support of a small Working Party of local volunteers.
The success of the plan will rely on ongoing input and support from local residents, businesses, land owners, and other organisations active within the parish.
Opportunities will be provided for ALL members of the community to engage in and inform the production of the plan.

If YOU would like to get involved in the process, have your say on future development, and help the Parish Council to plan the future of the area then please engage in the consultation activities over the next few months or email us:

3 drop-in events were held in May for residents to have their say on what they like and dislike about the parish. A report from these events is below.

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 8pm, Desford Library, 22 November 2016

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

8pm, Desford Library,  22 November 2016


In attendance:

Pat Crane, Martyn Randle (chair), David Crocker, Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson, Ewan Lindsay, Linda Mitchell, Judy Sharpe, Sam Hatfield, Colin Crane,



Paul Angelinetta, Darren Tilley, Lyn Dearling, Adrian Dickinson, Julie Peel, Malcolm Peel, John Preston.




  1. Welcome and Chairs Report:

The meeting opened at 8pm with Martyn Randle in the chair; Martyn welcomed all to the meeting including Sam Hatfield to his first meeting with us as the HBBC representative.

Martyns report covered:


  • Bernard and Pat have completed and circulated the first draft of the Questionnaire.
  • Initial enquires into the costing for the printing, delivering and collecting the questionnaire are underway

As there will undoubtedly be further revisions before the final draft Questionnaire is agreed he strongly advises that a system of documentation control is created to keep track of:

  1. Revision Levels
  2. Recipients



At present two Quotes have been received and one is pending, but discuss this later in the meeting.


Martyn also suggested it would be a good idea for an update to go out to the parish, perhaps in the graphic? (BG/LM to arrange).


  1. Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting were read out and agreed as a true copy, and signed by the chair.


  1. Matters arising not on the Agenda:

Only matters arising were that Kaye reminded all if a sub group meets please can she have a copy of the notes for the files and to be submitted with the agenda for the next full meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s report:

Darren was unfortunately unable to attend due to health reasons, but Martyn advised everyone that there was no change in the financial circumstances since last time.   Colin did add here that the Parish Council have agreed to carry forward this year’s precept if we don’t use it to next year, we won’t lose it.


  1. Communications Officers report – Website:

Bern spoke about the report which he had circulated, which mainly covered the

Website and questionnaire – the questionnaire part to be discussed later.  Bernard

said that 3 quotations had been received on a common basis and meetings held with 2 companies who had   requested them. He and Colin were in agreement that we propose CFS to the Parish Council as the company we wish to use to provide the web site.   Scott asked what had impressed them so much about CFS, Colin

said that Craig had taken the time to sit with them and explain items in full, with questions and

answers both ways.  Jim said they use CFS for S.I.D. and Craig is very proactive.  David C said

he has used Craig and found him to be very proactive.     The Chair approved the proposal of

CFS and this is to be put to the PC at their December meeting.    There will need to be

arrangements for the administration of the site going forward and the coordinating group will take this on.

The three companies who have quoted, PD Solutions, 2commune and CFS to be notified of the

Successful tender after the PC Decision.


  1. Focus Groups:

The chair thanked all involved in meeting as the sub groups and asked that everyone there had received

copies of the notes from the focus groups with the agenda.  All agreed and this led on to the Questionnaire



  1.  Draft 0 of the questionnaire has been sent out to all on the main list and David Crocker asked Bernard if he had

received any feed back from  the RCC, HBBC or MRH. Sam Hatfield apologised and said he had only received it a couple of days prior and not had the time to read fully.  He will however prioritise this and get back with any comments.     Martyn pointed out that this is only a draft copy and must be treated as such.  It was suggested that the housing survey be moved to the end and perhaps on a different colour paper so that the residents know which part is to be returned to whom.   It was discussed at length as to if a collection will be needed if they aren’t returned and also what process is to be used to clarify just who and who had not returned them.

It was also discussed as to if we want a young person questionnaire to be sent to be adopted.  This was agreed yes, and Colin Crane has agreed to run the youth project.

David Crocker suggested that the introduction pages need shortening to grab the residents’ attention, including relevant pictures as required.

It was also suggested that the wording Desford Parish be amended to the Parish of Desford and explain just how the parish is made up.

Everyone was asked to read draft 0 and send any suggestions asap.

Bernard said he was waiting for approval from this meeting tonight and will then visit the MRH in Coalville to discuss the housing survey in more detail.

The question was asked if the housing part is for all houses or just rented and perhaps should have its own short introduction:  it is for all properties.

Other comments re draft 0:

It needs reducing in length overall and some parts seem rather political.

Needs to be in more plain English

Sections 15 and 23 are the same subject

Take out “to be” where it isn’t needed, ie see section 26.

Take out the DOB question and replace with age group boxes.

Do we want to offer a prize draw incentive to encourage the completion of the form, if so can we use local business’s to donate gifts?

IT was agreed to collate any feedback from this group and other organisations and make draft 1, then to have a sub group meeting to discuss the amended form further.   Draft 1 hopefully to be circulated over the Christmas break in time for the next meeting.

The co-ordinating sub group will make recommendations to the group to finalise the content, format, printing arrangements, distribution, collection, analysis and reporting in liaison with HBBC, RCC, MRH.


  1. AOB:

No further business


  1. Next meeting 5th January 2017 at 7.30pm in Desford Library.


Meeting closed 9.20pm.




I confirm this is a true copy of the meeting.


Signed……………………………………   Name………………………………………………..




Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.30pm Desford Library 27 September 2016

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 27 September 2016


In attendance: Martyn Randle, Darren Tilley, Paul Angelinetta, Pat Crane, David Crocker, Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson, Ewan Lindsay, Malcolm Peel, Judy Sharpe, Kay Smith,



  1. Martyn welcomed all to the meeting and asked for the apologies:

Apologies given from:  Terry Satchwell, Joe Scarratt, John Preston, Janet & Derek Ireland, Lyn Dearling, Adrian Dickinson, Ena & Tom Kirkman, Linda Mitchell, Julie Peel.


Martyn said that on the whole we are doing well but might not quite meet all the targets we have set.  He confirmed that Linda has sent a press release to the Graphic for their October edition explaining to all about the forthcoming questionnaire. Martyn also confirmed that the focus groups are all up and running and he has sent out a draft template for the groups to consider using.  After discussion it was agreed that the template will be used AFTER the questionnaire results have been collated.


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were discussed and approved as a true copy, and signed by Martyn.


  1. There were no matters arising.


  1. Treasurer’s report: Darren said nothing had been spent since the last meeting so the balance still remained the same.  The Parish Council had put £5 000 in the budget for last year and £5 000 for this year.  Darren did remind the group that the locality grant should be considered and applied for, for large funding expense rather than using our own budget.


  1. Communication officers report: Bernard apologised, but with holidays and a family funeral    since the last meeting, he had sent out the latest edition of the Project Plan, but there really was nothing for him to report back on this time


  1. Bernard did confirm that he and Colin Crane are still looking to get the quotes in for the web page site now that they have a criteria specification for all 3 companies to quote on a ‘like for like’ basis. It was agreed that the website does need to be live before the questionnaire goes out to the residents.


  1. Focus Groups: The minutes from focus groups meetings that have been held since our last WG meeting were discussed.  The next meetings for them are:

HHH  – 15th October

T&T  – TBA

E,F,OS,R,RE – 10TH October

F,S,E,E,  –  12TH October

Co – ord – 26th October

Can the notes from these meetings please be sent to the secretary (Kaye) to be included with the agenda email for the next meeting?

Once all the questions have been agreed within the actual focus groups, they need to be sent to the Co-ordination group to check through them and come up with the final list.


  1. The system to be used to raise the questionnaire was debated, Pat has emailed out 4 questionnaires used by other villages to hopefully help us with ours. It was suggested that more press releases be issued as to why to complete the questionnaire and Scott offered to assist Linda with this.


  1. AOB – only one issue raised by Kaye. She advised that the names on the attendance list who neither attend nor offer apologies have now been asked twice if they still wish to be included and no one has actually confirmed either way.  The question being do we still need to include these residents on the email listing?  Yes was the answer and after discussion as to if it should just be the minutes or everything, it was agreed to just keep sending everything out.


  1. Next meeting to be held on November 22 at Desford Library, but Note the starting time for this one to be 8pm.


Meeting closed 8.21pm.



I confirm these are a true copy of the minutes for this meeting………………………………..


Date ………………………………………





NDPWG Meeting 23 August 2016 7pm Botcheston Village Hall

NDPWG Meeting 23 August 2016

7pm Botcheston Village Hall


In Attendance:

Martyn Randle(chair), Pat Crane, Bernard Grimshaw, Darren Tilley, Paul Angelinetta, David Crocker, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Julie Peel, Malcolm Peel, Judy Sharpe, Kay Smith, Janet Ireland, Derek Ireland, Colin Crane,  GUEST: Richard Mugglestone from Midland Rural Housing.



  1. Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies:

John Preston, Andy Killip, Joe Scarratt, Terry Satchwell, Lyn Dearling, Adrian Dickinson, Ena & Tom Kirkman, Ewan   Lindsay.

Martyn said there was no chairman’s report for this meeting and went on to introduce our guest Richard Mugglestone who was here to talk to us about his proposed housing Needs Survey.


1    Richard Mugglestone introduced himself from the Midland Rural Housing group (MRH), based in Leicestershire and said their work involves the rural communities where there is a need for housing for local people in villages:

I.E. grown up children looking to leave their parents’ house and set up their own home, AND / OR people working in an area and want to move there AND/OR relatives of local people who need to move nearer.

The MRH work with   local councils and housing associations to research where properties are needed and can be built at an affordable price.   The first step to achieve this is a housing needs survey to engage with the village.


Hinckley and Bosworth have already asked MRH to do housing surveys in certain areas, including Desford, and this can be linked in with the NDP to give one joint questionnaire with no extra cost to the NDP group.

Before being sent out the Housing Need Survey needs to be publicised through means such as the publications and posters etc.  The survey then goes out with a covering letter explaining what it is and why it is needed. The 1st & 3rd sections are the most important covering:

What type of houses are needed?

Are people moving in the next 5 years, if so to what type of property?

The market housing needs?


The answers from the questionnaire are then analysed by the MRH and sent both to the council and the NDP.

(A prepaid envelope is provided to all and they usually get a 30% plus response rate).   The results from this can be used as evidence for the NDP and may help to justify affordable homes for local people on land that would not normally get PP, eg – for a mixture of rented and shared ownership should it be deemed necessary.


Pat explained that Desford Parish also covers Botcheston, Newtown Unthank and Kirby Grange.  Kirby Grange is mostly bungalows but Desford itself needs more bungalows.  If just one survey is done will the number of bungalows at Kirby Grange reflect on the need for Desford itself?

Richard answered that this could perhaps be overcome by doing 3 separate surveys, Newtown Unthank, Botcheston/Kirby Grange and Desford.


Richard did say at this stage that their current contract with the HBBC finishes on 31 March 2017, so if we wanted a joint questionnaire we must get our side sorted for the joint questionnaire to go out before this date.   He said it normally takes 3-4 weeks to get the forms back and then approx. another 3 weeks to analyse the answers.  He will send a copy of a joint questionnaire that they have already used.


Pat asked if the questionnaire results can have any influence to/on the housing targets set by HBBC.  Richard said that whilst HBBC have targets for the borough, a village can show local needs by these results.

Richard was asked if any other local parish have done a joint survey, he said only 1; others had used the MRH survey results to feed into their NDP.

It was asked if this questionnaire is paper driven only, or is there web access?  At this stage only paper forms are sent out, the MRH have found that people don’t necessarily open unknown emails.


At this stage Richard was thanked for his attendance and time given.


  1. Everyone were asked if they had received and read a copy of the minutes from the last meeting, it was a positive acknowledgement and with no issues the chair signed as a true copy.


  1. Just one matter arising, Kaye was asked to explain what PP meant in a paragraph in section 8 of the minutes… Kaye explained it was planning permission.


  1. Darren explained the spreadsheet that was sent out prior to the meeting (copy attached).


  1. Bernard explained that the main topic of his report is the website which is under another heading, but did say that each focus group now had members and meetings had commenced. Linda said she is doing an article for the Graphic letting all residents know about these groups.


  1. A group discussion took place regarding Richard’s presentation earlier, it was suggested that focus groups organise their own sections and we need to be ready for the questionnaire to go out January 2017 at the latest.

After lengthy discussions, Darren proposed that we go with the joint questionnaire and Scott seconded this motion, the rest of the group were in favour.


  1. Martyn has emailed out guidance notes for all focus groups to use. Two groups have met, one has arranged a date to meet and the other has to organise a first meeting. (Meeting notes in file)

History Heritage and Housing, – the housing side can be met from the questionnaire, the history and heritage need to be discussed further.

Traffic and transport – We need to consider what impact Neovia development will have on traffic in Desford, also any future housing developments will have impact on traffic movement.    It was suggested that HBBC be contacted to ask how any breach of traffic covenants in granted planning permissions can be policed.

Dangerous road junctions need to be included, along with questions such as do we need better cycle routes etc in the village.

It was agreed that the focus groups need to raise open questions with no misleading phrases contained within them.


  1. The cost received from PD solutions is far too expensive, a request for another quote has been sent to CFS. Colin said a company called 2commune are doing the Desford PC site and he & Bernard will (ask the clerk to) get a quote from them as well.   Darren will need the 3 quotes to be able to apply for a locality grant to assist.  After discussion it was agreed that those 3 will be asked, but on the understanding that they must be comparable.  Bernard has drawn a specification of what they will be asked to quote against.   Once we have agreed on the company, this can be passed to the PC as our preferred choice.


  1. No more business – meeting closed at 9pm.

Next meeting 27 September, 7.30pm Desford Library.



Signed as a true copy of the meeting………………………………………………………..  Date………………………………………










NDPWG meeting 25th July 2016 7.30 pm, Desford Library

NDPWG meeting 25th July 2016

7.30 pm, Desford Library



In attendance: Martyn Randle (chair), Pat Crane, Darren Tilley, Bernard Grimshaw, Paul Angelinetta, David Crocker, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson, Ewan Lindsay, Linda Mitchell, Julie Peel, Malcolm Peel, Judy Sharpe, Kay Smith, John Preston.  Guests:  Colin Crane, John Pope.



  1. Apologies – Lyn Dearling, Joe Scarratt, Peter Walker, Andy Killip.

A welcome was given to all in attendance, and everyone introduced themselves in turn around the table.

Chairman’s report:

Martyn announced that the stakeholder’s event was well attended and gave thanks to John Preston for his all his help in making it run smoothly.  Martyn also thanked Desford Academy for allowing the event to take place in their premises.   He went onto say that we are on target with our work and are up to milestone 4 already.  But we now need to be setting up the focus groups to continue on course.


  1. Everyone was asked if they had received the minutes for the last meeting, which all agreed, and were approved as a true records.
  2. There were no matters arising.


  1. Treasurer’s report:

Darren said that other than £12.98 which had been spent on items for the stakeholders meeting, (ie tea, coffee etc) the financial situation was still the same as the last meeting.

  1. Communication officer’s report:

Pat and Bernard attended a LCC event which was very useful and of which Bern has already circulated details to all on the list.

There will need to be a Sustainability Assessment once proposals start to become formulated.  We are unlikely to need a Strategic Environmental Assessment. Bern will ascertain the steps involved and circulate them in due course.

A housing and economic assessment for Leicester, Leics and Rutland:  Bern attended this seminar on the 27 June, sadly HBBC were not represented, but colleagues from Market Bosworth were and a useful contact or two from LCC. Bern found out that GL Hearn, planning consultants, had been engaged by a range of authorities and bodies to carry out such an assessment over 2 years to 2018.

It is to set the scene for the upcoming reviews of county and district plans well into the 2020s, if this new survey highlights differences, neighbourhood plans will have to take account of them.  HBBC will liaise close with P.Cs preparing plans.  Data will be passed on where appropriate.


  1. Guest: John Pope is from the Market Bosworth NDP.  He said it is now 10 months since their referendum and the ongoing implementation is perhaps even more work now.

M.B. were on a learning curve doing their NDP and covered just two main areas, Building and Development AND Character and Environment.

Our group must remember there is a lot of data to collect and subsequently collate. The questionnaire needs to be thought through and the main criteria is not to fall into the trap of no evidence = no policy.    A lot of items were highlighted after the questionnaire and they wish they could have gone back and done it again.  Don’t Rush was the important factor here.   One problem is that if we keep asking residents their interest will wane; take time and get it right.

When it comes to the policies, keep them simple and most importantly think of the actual wording –he gave 2 examples of such a problem in M.B. that could have been avoided if the wording was correct.   Questions were then asked to John Pope:

Q – Re the questionnaire – Did it cover all their parish and how did residents respond?

A –Yes and 50% response to a 12 page questionnaire, which also included a £25 prize draw to encourage returns via either the internet or hard copies.    Also suggested that we write articles in local magazines (ie Graphic), as well as emails etc., to show the outcome of both the consultation events and to keep feedback going to those interested.

Q – What is evidence, do we need practical evidence such as HBBC info?

A –   Depends on policies chosen.  The local NDP cannot hope to solve all infrastructure issues, suggested to look at other village policies to get ideas but must have evidence to back Desford’s answers.

Q – Consultants- would MB engage them again to do the writing?

A – If independent consultant collects the info, they are just that INDEPENDENT, correct evidence there.   A software company in MB collected the info but MBNDP did the analysis.

Remember to formulate your questionnaire based on how you intend to analyse the data.

Q – Have you kept a list of what you wish you had have asked in the questionnaire?

A – Yes, hopefully can forward them on.  And remember you can’t ask leading questions to the answers you would like, use independent company to give credibility.

Q – Were the returned forms biased in the age groups?

A – difficult to say because one form was given to each house, but also allow for a request for more if individuals in that home want to complete themselves rather than jointly.   Also offer help from one of the NDPWG to assist with the completion if someone can’t write the answers themselves.  MB also involved the schools and guides to get the children to ask parents / grandparents to complete, after all it’s to cover their futures as well.

It was agreed here that the NDPWG need to visit groups in the village to do this.

Q – How many houses in MB Parish

A – 968 with an approx. population of 2700 – Desford Parish is approx. double this.

Q – MB had a website to list all communication, was this set up by a professional at a cost?

A – Yes by a company in Swan House, and ongoing costs to keep this going should be covered by the grants they received.

Q – How many were on the MBNDP group?

A – 12 including 2 PC, 8 of whom are still listed and 6 of these are active.


John was thanked for his very helpful input into the meeting and left at 8.15 along with Colin Crane.


  1. Focus Groups:

Bern has already emailed out a list of the groups with willing volunteers, 3 additional people also volunteered tonight, Judy, Paul and Ewan. Bern said there were now enough names to each group for meetings to start, however, not too late to add more people if they are interested.  It was suggested that an advert be made to ask for volunteers, and to start with the list that Pat has of people who asked to be kept up to date with proceedings.

The groups are to be:  History, Heritage & Housing; Traffic & Transport; Environment, Flooding, Open Spaces, Recreation & Renewable Energy; Facilities, Services, Educations, Employment & Economy.   Each group to have its own chair and scribe.


  1. Stakeholder event:

John Preston categorised who was invited, attended and apologised this event, together with information from the evening.  A report has been issued giving all these details and this must be included as part of the evidence.   The key points were summarised onto an A4 sheet and handed out to all at the meeting.   Questions were then asked to John Preston:

Q – How can we include things like transport issues that come under highways?

A – Communication needed with highways.

Q – There is a potential HSE issue for damage to the street furniture, how does a policy get raised?

A – Improvements to the footpath / road junction need to be evidenced to be designed into the policy.

Q- A stakeholder said that based on the way vehicular traffic is increased vastly with one employer by 2036 Desford will be gridlocked, can vehicle movement be part of the plan?

A – (By Pat) this will be part of the evidence when we say building only to be in certain parts of the village.


An employer in the village was discussed, who have advised the PC that they are looking to increase their buildings vastly, which will in turn increase employment, but this could add to additional housing needed and vehicle movement increasing.  The PP that will be being submitted will need to be allowed for in the NDP.

Pat Crane thanked John for his invaluable help with the Stakeholders report and said it is now down to the focus groups to discuss further.


John Preston said those in attendance at the stakeholders meeting did want to see the outcome of the meeting, and as the report is a public document this should be emailed out to all concerned. JP to send this out as an email link, once confirmation has been received from Neovia and the doctors that they are happy for their future pp to be made public.


A discussion then took place between the group as to how is the best way to keep the parish residents informed, ie postcards to all, adverts in local mags or emails etc…   An advert in the local Graphic, publicise on social media and posters around the village were agreed on plus emails to all on Pat’s list.  Scott asked who would be responsible for this and it was agreed that Bern is the communications officer, who will willingly put the info together, but then will need help with the social media side.  Linda offered to help with the article for the Graphic.  Pat will laminate and put up posters.  A costing is to be obtained by Bern for the social media help from the company (Gareth Bromby) at Market Bosworth.


  1. AOB – None.


  1. Next meeting – there is already a meeting to be held at Botcheston Village Hall on the 23rd August at 7pm with Richard Mugglestone attending who is an expert on housing need surveys. It was agreed to hold a WG meeting immediately after.

September meeting to be on Tuesday 27th at 7.30pm at Desford Library.


Meeting Closed at 9.15pm



I confirm this is a true record of the meeting…………………………………………………………..


Date ………………………………………………………….









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