Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.30pm Desford Library 4 April 2017

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 4 April 2017


In attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Judy Sharpe, Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Darren Tilley, Paul Angelinetta.


Apologies: Ewan Lindsay, Janet Ireland, Derek Ireland, John Preston, Kay Smith, Sam Hatfield, Scott Wakefield, Helen Nightingale.


  1. Welcome & chairman’s report: Martyn Randle in Chair welcomed all who were there. Apologies were listed. Martyn gave his report, which was then discussed by the group.


  1. Minutes of the last meeting: These were approved as correct and signed by the chair.


  1. Matters arising: None


  1. Treasurers Report:

Darren advised that the Grant application (£9k) has now been submitted, but this can take approx. 30 working days to the receipt of the money – assuming all is accepted. Pat thanked Darren for his work on this issue. The balance sheet was circulated before the meeting and Darren was advised that MRH should be giving us £100 as their share of the distribution of questionnaires fee. This will be added to the spreadsheet. There is a bill to come from CSF Computers for the work on the website.   Darren confirmed that he will be sending the Y/E accounts to the PC Clerk asap.


  1. Communication Officers report:

Bernard reminded everyone of the meeting next week, Monday 10 April at 5.15pm when              Gary Kirkman from Your Locale will be there advising the group of the next steps forward.    Everyone was asked to attend if possible. Bernard suggested that Paul Grundy (HBBC) be invited to next week’s meeting and as everyone agreed Bernard is to send an email to him.


  1. Website:

Bernard said he had received a phone call from CFS asking to whom to send his invoice, Craig was advised to send this to the PC Clerk.   It was also noted that Roger King from the Newbold group had commented that he liked our web site.


  1. Feedback from collection teams:

As at the start of this meeting there had been 416 questionnaire forms returned. Some more had been handed in at the meeting, so the number has already increased.  90 forms were hand delivered to the residents in Kirby Muxloe who are within our parish boundary, but sadly not one returned.   Martyn did say that when he was collecting in part of Desford, the majority of residents are showing an interest.


  1. Data input – Draft report:

            Colin is going to input one form tonight and if this is successful the volunteers can start inputting into the RCC software.  Colin, Kaye and Kay to do some inputting. John Preston can do the final analysis once all completed.  Where people have entered their name and address for the prize draw on the last sheet in the pamphlet, this sheet is to be removed and put in the draw which will take place at the Parish Council meeting on 17 May and this date is to be publicised in the Graphic.  The group were reminded that there are 4 prizes of £25 each.

A question was raised as to what the volunteers, who are inputting, should do if there is any questionable comments on the form.  Darren proposed that if people have taken the time to write an item, then everything should be entered.  After the input all comments can then be reviewed and discarded if in breach of the law.  This was agreed by all.

  1. Public Forum:

            Martyn suggested that once the results are know, it would be sensible to have a public forum to let the residents know what is happening. Also to publicise the report on the website and facebook/twitter.  All agreed.  It was noted that Gary Kirk is very keen on keeping the dialogue open with stakeholders and residents.


  1. AOB:

            Bernard and Colin will organise the youth questionnaire.

On the 2nd of May at 7pm there is to be a joint meeting with Barlestone and Newbold Verdon working groups, a few volunteers are needed for the Desford Group.  Martyn, Pat and Bernard agreed to do this.

Bernard mentioned the aerial picture that NV have in the Graphic as part of their information, which is a good eye catcher.  NV had this done privately, but Bern asked if the county council still do this and if so could we ask for one of Desford from them?

Pat is to ask the RCC for a rough guide of how long for the data analysis to be received once all the forms in,  Bern suggested that John be asked if he can attend the next meeting to explain what we will get as the results.  If John can’t attend could he send an email with an explanation?


Next meetings:   Monday 10 April 5.15pm  (Your Locale Intro)

Tuesday  2 May  7pm       (3 village meeting)

Tuesday 9 May  8pm       (NDPWG meeting)

All at Desford Library.


Meeting Closed 8.25pm.



I confirm these are a true copy of the meeting:


Signed……………………………….   Name……………………………  Date……………………





















Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.30pm Desford Library 8 March 2017

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 8 March 2017


In attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe, Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane,  Darren Tilley, Paul Angelinetta .


Apologies:   Helen Nightingale, John Preston, Scott Wakefield, Janet Ireland, Derek Ireland.


  1. Welcome & Chairman’s report: Martyn Randle in Chair welcomed all attendees. Martyn advised the full group that there had been a co-ordinators meeting to discuss the consultants and a vote taken to recommend ‘Your Locale’ to the PC, but this to be discussed as agenda item 10


  1. Minutes of the last meeting: These were approved as correct and signed by the chair.


  1. Matters arising: None


  1. Treasurers Report: Darren had circulated a copy of the current situation on a spreadsheet with the agenda. This showed the main costs currently being the questionnaire and items relating to this. There is currently £7755.14 left of the PC money in the budget and the grant monies still to be applied for; again a copy of the Locality grant application had been forwarded with the agenda before the meeting. Darren explained how the form had been completed and Bernard is to supply a copy of the Project Plan to accompany the grant application.


  1. Communication Officers report: Bernard offered his thanks for the wonderful item in the Graphic magazine relating to the questionnaire to be sent out. Bernard and Pat are to attend a Landscape seminar/workshop at the HBBC as this will be relevant for the final report.


  1. Questionnaire Circular: The leaflet has already gone out with this month’s Graphic magazine. Posters are to be put up on relevant notice boards and local shops, including the notice board in the relevant area of Kirby Muxloe that falls within the Desford Parish.


  1. Delivery and Collection of Questionnaire:

Delivery: The majority of these will be delivered by the Graphic, but the balance needs to be delivered by volunteers or by post.  Martyn has drawn up a matrix of all properties that can be used to confirm delivery, collection and or Library /MFC return.

Collections: Martyn and Pat to liaise and email out lists to all collecting. Collections to be week commencing 27th March at suitable times.  It was suggested that collectors should have badges to use as ID.  20 name tags are to be ordered with the Desford Vision Logo, leaving space for names to be added as needed.  Once questionnaires are collected, the completed matrix to be emailed to Martyn.


  1. Not at home slips: These are to be A6 size and it was agreed 500 to be ordered.


  1. Website update: Jim gave his thanks for all contributions supplied and said that CFS had done a very good job, CFS had been very responsive and had now got the site to a stage of completion and live on the www. Jim asked if anyone had not checked the site to please do so and send him any further suggestions. Jim is to be given editing rights and also access to the analytics of the page.  Colin agreed to take on the editing rights as well, just as back up to Jim.   Kaye asked if the web page could now be linked on Facebook, Yes and also Jim is emailing other groups if they will link our page as well. The website address can now also be put in the Graphic.   Thanks were given to Jim for his work on the site.


  1. Planning Consultants: The co-ordinators group had met and although 3 companies had been asked to tender, only 2 had supplied quotes.  The co-ordinators meeting had chosen ‘Your Locale’. Bernard thanked all for their communications and completed matrix to help in the choice, he then went onto to briefly explain why the co-ordinators meeting had chosen that particular one. Bernard did point out that the recommendation to the PC will be with a rider that ‘Your Locale’ to provide a more structured plan, including perhaps a suggestion of coming to the April meeting.  This was approved by Darren and seconded by Colin.


  1. Co-operation with Newbold Verdon and Barlestone: NV started after us but are progressing quickly.  They requested a joint meeting to discuss the plan in more detail. Roger King being the Chair of NV.  Barlestone have only just started with their NDP with Cathie Watkins being the Chair. It was suggested that Barlestone be given time to move on a little further and then arrange a meeting.  It was proposed that we form a liaison with NV and Barlestone, proposed by Darren and seconded by Bernard.


  1. AOB: IF we get any of the green housing questionnaires returned to the collectors, they are to be accepted (provided they are in the sealed envelope provided) and passed to Bernard who will arrange delivery to Coalville.

Kaye reminded Martyn that she won’t be here to do the preparation for the next meeting and that he had agreed to do the agenda. Martyn asked the group to please send agenda items to him.

Pat and Bernard will be attending the next quarterly network meeting at LCC and will report back.



Meeting Closed 8.45pm.



I confirm these are a true copy of the meeting:


Signed……………………………….   Name……………………………  Date……………………

Stakeholder Workshop Report

The production of the Desford Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being led by Desford Parish Council with the support of a small Working Party of local volunteers.
The success of the plan will rely on ongoing input and support from local residents, businesses, land owners, and other organisations active within the parish.
Opportunities will be provided for ALL members of the community to engage in and inform the production of the plan.

If YOU would like to get involved in the process, have your say on future development, and help the Parish Council to plan the future of the area then please engage in the consultation activities over the next few months or email us:

Representatives from local businesses, clubs and organisations, schools, land owners and those delivering statutory services in the area were invited to a Stakeholder Meeting on 5th July.

A report from this meeting is below.

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.30pm Desford Library 9 February 2017

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 9 February 2017


In attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, David Crocker, Jim Houghton, Judy Sharpe, Kaye Johnson, Linda Mitchell, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Colin Crane, Sam Hatfield.


Apologies: Darren Tilley, Helen Nightingale, John Preston, Lyn Dearling, Paul Angelinetta, Scott Wakefield, Julie Peel, Malcolm Peel.


  1. Welcome & chairman’s report: Martyn Randle in Chair welcomed all who were there. He said to start the meeting off it is good news: the final draft of the questionnaire had been approved by the Parish Council and is going to be delivered week commencing 13th March by the Graphic team at Market Bosworth. The collection of this needs to be discussed further on in the meeting.


Martyn said that currently we have 6 projects in progress:

  1. The website
  2. Young Person Questionnaire
  3. Delivery and collection of the questionnaire
  4. Appoint a consultant
  5. Appoint an analyst
  6. Locality funding Application


Martyn read out an observation made by Darren on possible traffic infrastructure and this was discussed by the group.


  1. Minutes of the last meeting: These were approved as correct and signed by the chair.


  1. Matters arising: None


  1. Treasurers Report: Darren had advised via email that there was no change in the financial situation from last month.


  1. Communication Officers report: The website and questionnaire are covered in their own items but the subject of appointing a consultant needs to be addressed. In ensuring the questionnaire is covered in March, this will take time and effort by all. It may be an idea to resurrect the focus groups for the consultants’ issues in May / June. We need to be submitting a draft plan to the HBBC in January 2018 which will meet the locality grant requirements.  The consultants will advise if we are on target for this and how to prepare the evidence base.  Two out of the three companies Bernard has approached will provide a template and advise the groups how to actually put the plan together.   A question was raised to Bernard that it is surely not easy to appoint a consultant until the questionnaire is back and analysis raised, so we know which area the help is required in. The consultants are experts in the planning of the NP and not specifics, additional help can be bought for specific areas if required.  Again 2 of the 3 companies suggested the plan can include an appendix of aspirations extra.

Another question was raised, asking if the 3 companies Bernard has approached have done this type of work before; Bernard advised yes and the guidance he used for the consultants briefing is in the NDP drop box file should anyone want to see it, it is approx. 64 pages long.  A comment was made saying that we need to get a good company before they are booked up with other villages.  Pat pointed out that this all ties in with how much grant we need to apply for; until we choose and appoint a consultant we don’t know how much we will need.   Three quotes will be obtained and referred to John Preston, Richard Mugglestone and Sam Hatfield for their comments before approval is given.

Pat asked Sam Hatfield if the dates we were working to are achievable and he said yes they are realistic with the right support.  It was favourably agreed of the bringing in of consultants within the time frame discussed. Everyone thanked Bernard for his hard work in getting us this far.


  1. Website: Jim said he had sent out a list of items that should be included within the site for further comments.  Martyn has given some help and CFS have uploaded items supplied already. However there is still a lot to do with the look and feel of the site; more input is needed.

Jim is missing:

List of the Working Group   –    Kaye to supply

Info for the Health page      –     Pat to supply

Role of the PC with the NDP –  Pat to supply

Role of HBBC with the NDP  –   Bernard to supply

Housing                                     –  Pat to supply from Parish Profile document

Also it would be helpful if there could be a post on the web page about when and how the questionnaires will be collected- LM agreed to do this.  Also suggested that it would be handy to have a rolling page system so older items automatically go into the archives.  CFS had advised Jim there are pages and posts on a website and posts are the ones that can be archived like this.


There were questions raised by CFS for the working group to answer:

Q         How does the home page want to look, formal? Pictures ? etc…

A         It was agreed it needs pictures, plus the ability to click on an item and go straight to the relevant page.

Q         Facebook and Twitter administering?

Kay Smith had agreed to cover Twitter at the previous meeting and Kaye Johnson had agreed at the same meeting to cover Facebook.  KJ to contact CFS re the fb page. is the page to check out. It is currently a holding page with work in progress.  Also suggested that Agendas and minutes be added to the web page from our group meetings. KJ to send to Jim.   Jim agreed he is happy to be the administrator for the updates. The logo for the home page needs to be agreed – this is to be the logo already established for the NDPWG.  PC or LM to send the logo to JH.


  1. Reports from sub groups: None, but locality funding had been raised in an email from DT. This was discussed at length and it was agreed to get the consultants in place but wait for any work to be done by them until the grant is available.


8.1  Questionnaire: The final draft of the questionnaire has been taken to the printers for them to quote on by CC and BG.   There are to be 2 small amendments by the printers and their quote to supply A4 envelope, and a duplexed questionnaire stapled correctly is 86 pence per copy plus vat.  The MRH copy to go with ours will be in light green to avoid any confusion by the residents.  A quote for these to be delivered to all but the outlying properties by the Graphic staff in Market Bosworth was a one off fee of £200 and this is to be done week commencing 13th March.   The outlying areas being: between Bosworth Academy and the A47 along the Leicester Lane, Kirby Muxloe, Lindridge Lane, Hunts Lane & Peckleton Lane– these areas to be done by volunteers.  Scott has drawn up a flyer and sent it to all members via email.  This has been agreed with one small amendment. This flyer to advise all parishioners the importance of the forthcoming questionnaire. The Graphic to be asked to put this as a loose leaf in their March Graphic magazine.  LM is to also write a post to be actually inserted within the Graphic.


8.2 Collection of questionnaire: This is to be week commencing 27th March.  KJ apologised to the group as she is on holiday that week and will be unable to help.  JS suggested spare copies of the forms be taken around just in case people ask for another copy.  A slip is to be printed to push through doors if the resident is not in when calling, asking them to return it to the Library.  BG nominated MR to be the co-ordinator overseeing this and JS seconded.  PC has asked John Preston how much they would charge for the analysis of the findings from these forms. His reply was it could be free if the group input the information.  KJ and CC offered to do some inputting.  MRH need the reports of the housing section from our survey.


  1. AOB: DC said he had sent our questionnaire to a friend on another village’s Working Group and his friend thought we had covered all aspects apart from the youth questionnaire. This will be done separately and sent to Bosworth Academy, Scout groups etc for distribution and spare copies in the Library. FB and Twitter to advertise this.

BG said Pat had circulated a copy of the C/C press release about HEDNA, please read if possible.  He suggested we all monitor the housing bill press releases.  Also a copy of the latest project plan has been sent out to all.  And finally Newbold Verdon and Barlestone Working Groups have requested to BG that we consider 2 / 3 members of each group meet to ensure we are all working in the same direction.

PC said that Michelle Elcoat from the Parish Council went to the Newbold Verdon Group meeting but didn’t hear anything that would affect the Desford Plan.

LM asked KJ if the paperwork can be sent out sooner for reading before meetings, KJ said yes if at all possible.


  1. Next meetings: Wednesday 8th March 7.30pm

Tuesday 4th April 7.30pm

Both at Desford Library.


Meeting Closed 9.25pm.



I confirm these are a true copy of the meeting:


Signed……………………………….   Name……………………………  Date……………………





















Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting 7.30pm Desford Library 5 January 2017

Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Meeting

7.30pm Desford Library 5 January 2017


In attendance: Pat Crane, Martyn Randle (chair), David Crocker, Bernard Grimshaw, Jim Houghton, Scott Wakefield, Kaye Johnson,   Linda Mitchell, Judy Sharpe, Colin Crane, Darren Tilley, Malcolm Peel, Kay Smith, Paul Angelinetta


Apologies: Helen Nightingale, Adrian Dickinson, Julie Peel, John Preston, Joe Scarratt, Sam Hatfield


  1. Welcome and Chair’s Report: Martyn said we are on target with the questionnaire. The penultimate draft of the questionnaire was on the agenda. The minutes of the December co-ordinators meeting had been circulated.


  1. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed


  1. Matters arising: There will be a short questionnaire drawn up for the students at Bosworth Academy, but it will be kept separate as non-residents, who are also students at the Academy, will be completing this.


  1. Treasurers Report: There has been no spending since last meeting, however we need to be aware that some large costs will soon be incurred, including the Website, Questionnaire expenses and Consultant fees. But we will be able to claim against the Locality grant towards these.  Darren confirmed that the money from the Parish Council will be rolled over.  He reminded members to claim for expenses for printing etc.   We don’t have to pay CFS for their website work until it has all been completed.


  1. Communications Officer Report: The report that had been circulated. Jim, along with Colin and Bernard, agreed to oversee the website progress with CFS


  1. Website: The Parish Council accepted our recommendation of CFS to design and produce the website and this has now been confirmed with them, and an email sent to the other two tenders. Craig has purchased the domain name of .   The site to consist of blue headlines with a black Arial font.  Craig is to also set up twitter and Facebook facilities.  A discussion took place as to how communication is to be dealt with once the questionnaire has gone out; David, Kay S and Kaye J agreed to deal with these initially, but to assess how much work is involved.  If it is deemed necessary, outside help will be sourced and paid for.


  1. Co-ordinating Group meeting: Minutes of the December meeting, previously circulated, were discussed.


  1. Questionnaire:

Bernard has talked to Richard Mugglestone who confirmed that a covering letter isn’t required; our intro is quite sufficient.  Richard hasn’t got back with costs.  He agreed that coloured paper would be used for their section, to differentiate which part needs to be sent back in the envelope.   To keep the cost down, perhaps use greyscale for the photos instead of colour?  Richard strongly suggested that we send a flyer out in mid-February to all houses, saying that the Questionnaire is coming soon.

Malcolm said that there is no mention of business / retail additional buildings in the questionnaire.  This was discussed at section 8.

The penultimate copy of the questionnaire was discussed, question by question, with various changes suggested.  Colin will make the amendments.  The final draft needs to be with the Parish Council Clerk by 11 January, so that it may be sent out with the agenda to all Parish Councillors for their meeting on 18 January.

It was suggested that once the PC has accepted the questionnaire, perhaps a few people should be asked to complete it before going out for full print.  This was accepted.

The Graphic is the likely source for delivery, with some of the committee members having to do the outlying areas that Dean does not deliver to.

The completed forms are to be collected.  If people aren’t at home, a note is to be pushed through doors asking if they can please deliver the completed copy to either the Library in Desford or Manor Farm Cottage in Botcheston.

An email is to be sent out by Kaye to all on the list asking for help for collection of the forms.


  1. AOB: none


Next co-ordinators meeting:  19th January 6.30pm Desford Village Hall

Next full meeting: 9th February 7.30pm Desford Library


Meeting closed at 10.30pm





I confirm this is a true copy of the meeting.


Signed……………………………………   Name………………………………………………..




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