DNP Working Group minutes 23rd April 2019

DNP Working Group minutes 23rd April 2019

7.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk, Jim Houghton,  Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield


Apologies: Nic Lockley


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed, approved as a true record and signed by Martyn.

Martyn asked if a master list of assessments had been sent to Fran. Colin said they had.

Martyn asked if Pat had written to Fran re a start date for the consultation. Colin replied that he had seen Fran and that the consultation process was taking place currently. It had begun on the 12.4.19 and would close on the 23.5.19.

Martyn asked if Pat had acknowledged the withdrawal of the Botcheston C site. Pat said that she had emailed the owner.

Martyn asked if Bernard had publicised the consultation process. Bernard replied that this had been put on the PC and Desford Vision websites, the parish noticeboards, facebook and that there was a small exhibition in the library. No comments had been received so far.


  1. Declaration of Interest:

Bernard declared an interest as his property was on the Local Heritage List.


  1. Chairman’s Report

Martyn thanked Bernard for his work on the timeline for 2019/2020. Bernard stated that this had been done by Rob Foers at HBBC.

Service Level Agreement. Discussion took place about the Service Level Agreement and it was agreed that this should be signed by Colin as Chair of Desford Parish Council. Proposer- Bernard, seconder –Scott. The motion was carried unanimously and Colin signed the agreement.

Colin noted that there was now a better relationship between DPC and HBBC. Gary agreed and mentioned that he would be speaking at a conference on the 6.6.19 about obstacles to delivering NPs, and stated that this could include local authorities.

Martyn noted that he and Colin would be attending the Leicestershire Neighbourhood Planning Network Event on the 21.5.19.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Bernard stated that he had emailed a spreadsheet of the finances for the year 2018/2019 to the secretary and that this would be emailed to the group with the minutes. Currently there is a balance of £2245 in the account after paying YL Invoice 9 and CFS for work on the website.However Invoice 10 is due from Your Locale. Once this money is used it will be necessary to approach the PC for funding. Colin confirmed that there was money set aside for the DNP.

Bernard stated that the Site Assessment end of project report had been submitted to Locality and accepted.

Bernard asked whether the DNPWG wished him to continue in his role as Acting Treasurer. This was agreed and Bernard said that he was willing to continue.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report

Bernard reported the following

SEA– Ian McClusky has access to the Dropbox contents and has been supplied with other documents. Ian and his colleagues are currently working on this.

Other items in his report were discussed elsewhere, or regarded as sensitive information.


  1. Update on SSAs and discussion of reserve sites

Colin reported that he and Bernard had met with Fran Belcher and Rob Foers at HBBC on the 5.4.19. HBBC are keen on NPs including reserve sites and agreed that qualifications could be placed on these.

There was a comprehensive discussion about whether a reserve site should be allocated in the DNP.

Gary stated that Desford Parish had met their housing target number of 163. 73 houses had been built and 13 (adjoining Kirby Muxloe) had received planning approval. The residual target of 77 was more than covered by the Barns Way site and possible windfall sites. He said he would amend the section in the DNP to highlight this. However no recent figures had been received from HBBC. Colin commented that Helen Nightingale HBBC had agreed to send these by the end of February.Action- Pat, in her capacity as Chair of the PC Planning Committee, to write to Helen asking for these figures.

Colin stated that both Barns Way and Cerda (Peckleton Lane) sites had applied to HBBC for outline planning permission.  However due to the local elections nothing will be decided until June at the earliest.

Gary suggested that as the housing target had already been met there was no need to list a reserve site in the DNP. However if circumstances change, such as greater housing need, the DNP would look at this again.

This was agreed.


  1. Appendix D3: Land owned by SiD

Colin pointed out an error in this agenda topic title. The land is owned by the PC but leased to SiD. He had given the DNPWG secretary a plan showing the location of this land and had brought the deeds with him.

Jim explained that the land where SID is had been bought by the PC from Caterpillar in 1988. As this was not quite large enough for a football pitch and a bowls green an extra parcel of land was bought from the Neep family in 1989. The PC leased the land to SiD and subsequently released it on the 26.1.2009 and also registered it with the Land Registry. Further a QE Fields in Trust Deed No.: 377QE was signed by 3 parties: Fields in Trust, DPC as land owner and SiD as tenant on 6th March 2012.

Confusion had arisen as the land upon which the bowls green sits had been included in Appendix D3 of the NP which outlines the SSAs as part of ‘New Desford’.

It was queried whether it was necessary to write to the owner of this site explaining that this land is not part of the SSA. Colin responded that as the land had been leased to SiD for 99 years and was owed by the PC, clarification in the minutes was enough reassurance.


  1. SEA

This had been covered in item 6


  1. Update on Regulation 14 comments , responses and consultation

Environment -Pat reported that the environment sub group had met several times to respond to some specific comments made in the original Regulation 14 consultation by a land owner. They had updated some fields in the environmental inventory in response to this and also proposed some amendments for map, Figure 7, on p33 in the main NP document. These updates were circulated and discussed. It was agreed by the group to accept these changes.

Gary pointed out that it was important not to have a specific dialogue with the land owner and that the examiner will see the comments and responses. He agreed to explain this in the response to the comments made by the land owner.

He also clarified that John Martin had sent an email to the environment group answering the query as to why part of Lindridge Lane was highlighted on figure7. John had explained that The biodiversity site on Lindridge Lane is Local Wildlife Site 11010 as designated by Leics. CC during the Phase 1 Habitat Survey of the parish – species-rich hedgerows on either side.

It was agreed that this should be left on figure 7.

Pat asked Gary if the list of things to do after the February meeting had been completed.

Map -Colin stated that HBBC had requested a clearer initial map showing the designated area of the NP at the start of the NP document and queried whether this should be a whole page. This was discussed

Gary replied saying that this was a map provided by HBBC. Action- Colin to ask HBBC to provide a clearer map.

Rosconn comments-These stated that they would welcome further discussion about the amount of accessible housing, as this was greater than that required by HBBC. Gary explained that this was an aspiration, not mandatory but agreed to change this as listed in policy documents H2and H4. In H4 this is already qualified by the statement ‘where possible’.

Gary stated that he thought he had responded to all HBBC’s comments. However he will recheck and complete the changes as quickly as he can.

David asked whether Gary had responded to all the other main developers. Gary responded that he had.

Gary also added that sites cannot be seen in isolation and it was necessary to wait until the SEA was completed.

Gary commented that he should also refer to HBBC‘s Good Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document as this has now been published for public consultation.


  1. Reports from Focus Groups: housing, environment ,FATE

It was agreed that any comments had been discussed earlier.


  1. HBBC Good Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document –Public Consultation

An email with a letter attached and a link to this document had been circulated by Judy on the 19.4.19.

Pat commented that the Guide was 134 pages long and that 3 pages referred to specifically to the DNP -p75 Botcheston, p83 and p84 Desford. She had noticed an omission on p83 at the end of the first paragraph which should include modern housing estates to the east, south and west of the village.  Action-Pat to respond to the consultation as chair of Planning Committee of the PC noting this amendment.

Gary stated that the guidance was broadly welcome and will be supported by the NP.


  1. Web page/ Twitter / Spotted Desford

Jim stated that he had not checked recently, but it had been typically 2 hits a day. He had put the recent consultation on the website with the help of Craig.


  1. AOB

Gary told the DNPWG that Hallaton PC had resigned over their NP.  The Hallaton NPWG had been very enthusiastic, but when they asked the Hallaton PC to submit it for Regulation 14 consultation they refused. Harborough District Council had then asked Hallaton PC to support this, but the PC had refused to do so and resigned. This had made it very difficult for the parishioners.

Gary also commented that Locality had not opened their funding yet this year, which may be due to Brexit uncertainty. It usually opens in March but this year funding may not be open until the beginning of June.  This will cause major problems for NPs and Your Locale due to the lack of availability of funding. Especially as Awards for All are no longer funding NPs.

David stated that there had been approaches from developers wanting meetings, to the housing group and Derek.

These had been refused.

It was asked if there was anything else to do before the SEA is completed.  Colin responded that there were no major issues but suggested that Bernard email Ian McClusky next week to ask if any further help was needed. Action- Bernard


  1. Date of next meeting:

Gary said that there was little point in setting a date for the next meeting of the DNPWG until the SEA is completed. Action- Bernard to email Martyn and Judy when this is done, so that a date can be decided. This was agreed.



Meeting closed 8.30 pm.



I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




DNP Working Group minutes 5th February 2019

DNP Working Group minutes 5th February 2019

7.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Jim Houghton,  Judy Sharpe, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield


Apologies: Andrew Norton, Gary Kirk, Michael Gregg ,Nic Lockley, Rupert Pullin


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed, approved as a true record and signed by Martyn


  1. Declaration of Interest:

There were no declarations of interest


  1. Chairman’s Report

Please see attached copy of Martyn’s report.


This was discussed and the following points were raised.

Colin said that he and Pat had attended a meeting with Neovia.

Bernard explained that HBBC have not yet decided on their New Growth Strategy.   There are four possible options:

  1. New town
  2. Major expansion to Hinckley
  3. Expansion of Key Rural Centres (if sustainable)
  4. A mixture of above

It was commented that HEDNA has now been superseded and it is important to take account of the HBBC Local Plan as it develops. It was important that the DNP should comply with regulations.

It was noted that from the residents’ comments received that they would prefer steady organic growth within the parish.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Bernard stated that financially there was no change from the previous month. There have been no further invoices from Your Locale. He asked whether he should email Gary and ask whether Your Locale had any further financial requirements. This was agreed. Action: Bernard to email Gary. Colin confirmed that the Parish Council still had a buffer fund for the DNP if needed.

Bernard stated he understood the PC had received further funding for the extra Housing Site Assessments.  Colin confirmed this was so. Action: Colin to ask PC clerk to email this to Bernard


  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard stated that he had spoken to Guillaume Ray about the SEA. This application has now been approved and passed onto AECOM. AECOM should respond within 10 days and the whole SEA process could take up to 3 months.

He said that Rachel Dexter from HBBC had heard from Historic England and the organisation responsible forSSSIs; both of whom state that the DNP will need a SEA due to the scale of the development. Rachel believes that Historic England has sent a standard reply to the consultation as the DNP has already answered many of the questions that they posed.

Bernard informed the DNPWG that HBBC are updating the timescales for NPs, which are currently being developed, within the borough. He has adjusted the timescale for the DNP by 3 months, to allow time for the SEA to take place. This can be amended further if needed.

Bernard stated that the law had changed for NPs. Action: It was agreed that Bernard would send this information to Judy in a précis form for her to circulate to the group.

Bernard asked whether any further documentation should be added to the drop box or published on the website. It was agreed that this should be discussed with Gary at the next meeting.




  1. Overview from Your Locale , Update on Regulation 14 Comments and Responses

Martyn stated that an email had been received from Gary to say that he hoped to complete his responses on either the 6th or 7th February. These would then be distributed to the group. Action: Everyone to look at the comments and responses before the meeting on 12.2.2019.


  1. Local Plan Review. New Directions for Growth Consultation

Pat reported that this was discussed at the PC planning committee meeting the previous evening. PCs, NPWGs and individuals can all respond to this consultation. Pat read out the questions and a discussion took place. It was agreed that the DNPWG’s favoured site for any future development in the borough, outside the urban area, was to the NW close to the M42. It was commented that there should be a range of employment opportunities, not just warehousing eg an Enterprise Park. Action– It was agreed that Pat would send a joint PC/ DNPWG response to the consultation.


  1. Update on HBBC SHLAA

Bernard reported that grant aid was available to assess any new sites.

Colin stated that the only new development site revealed in the comments was a field owned by Jelson between The Paddocks development and the allotments. Bernard asked if this site linked up with Davidsons proposed site. Maps were studied and it appears that they do not.


  1. SEA

This was discussed earlier in the meeting.


  1. Overview of plan timetable

This was discussed earlier in the meeting and depends on the SEA timings.


  1. Web page/ twitter / Spotted Desford

Jim reported that originally the website was receiving an average of 2 hits a day. This rose to around 20 a day during the first two weeks of the consultation period. It is now around 7 a day of which approximately 25% are from abroad.


  1. AOB:

Pat reported that Nicola Smith from HBBC will ask all NP groups to sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with them. The DNP already has a SLA with the RCC.

Colin stated that we need to try and keep the DNP in line with the HBBC Local Plan.

Ewan said that it was important to concentrate on the facilities, eg school capacity and medical facilities as well as the physical aspects of the plan.

Bernard reported that there appeared to have been no response from LCC Education Department or the NHS to the plan. Pat said that the NHS wanted £60,000 Section 106 money from CERDA, if the development goes ahead. This was to go towards a new build GP surgery at Ratby to which potential new residents of Desford would be sign posted. It was pointed out that Ratby is not accessible by public transport from the village of Desford. Comments were also made that the usual GP surgeries for residents of Desford are in Desford, and at Newbold Verdon and Braunstone Crossroads, which are served by a bus service.

Colin stated that Section 106 money from the Neovia development was planned to go to Desford Crossroads, not the Dan’s Lane junction with the A47.

David asked whether we need to communicate with the residents. Colin and Pat explained that all Regulation 14 comments will need to be responded to. This will be the job of the PC clerk when the responses have been discussed and agreed.

Judy asked about the agenda for the next meeting. It was agreed that this would be a single item agenda to discuss the Regulation 14 comments and responses and that this would be led by Gary.


Martyn thanked everyone for attending.


  1. Date of next meeting:


Tuesday February 12th 2019 7pm at the library.


Meeting closed.  8.16 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




DNP Working Group minutes 2nd April 2019

DNP Working Group minutes 2nd April 2019

6.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance:, Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay,  Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane,


Apologies: Andrew Norton, Gary Kirk ,  June Morris, Nic Lockley, Scott Wakefield


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed, approved as a true record and signed by Martyn


  1. Declaration of Interest:

There were no new declarations of interest.


  1. Discussion of SSAs

The SSA report had been emailed to the DNPWG on the 1.4.2019.

David explained that the new SSAs were assessed in the same way as those which were done previously for the DNPWG. This was also the same process as had been done for a number of other NPs.
Pat queried the number of sites and asked which the new ones were. It was explained that the previous sites were assessed with reference to the SHELAA 14 list from HBBC. This has now been superseded by the SHELAA18 list. There were seven new sites which required assessment out of a total of 13. Four sites are listed in Botcheston and nine in Desford. Some of the previously listed sites have been now been withdrawn.

Bernard asked if anyone had got a master list of all the assessments as Fran at HBBC has asked for this. It was stated that Derek had completed a number of assessments that were no longer needed, as their owners had dropped out; but that Derek would have a list of these. Colin said that the PC had also got a list of these and offered to go and see Fran. These could also be found on the website. He noted that there was some confusion over the numbering of sites as there were two sites on Kirkby Road that had merged and are now individual sites again.

Bernard stated that responses had been sent to all Regulation 14 site owners.  He has also sent Fran, John and Ian Mc Clusky a copy of all the new site assessments.

David then explained the current list of sites in greater detail and the reasoning for their scores and discussion took place.


A proposal was made that the SSA outcomes report should be accepted.

Proposer- Colin, Seconder- Bernard. The proposal was carried unanimously.


Colin then stated that it was important to take this forward asap. It was agreed that Pat, as PC Chair of Planning, should be asked to write to Fran at HBBC, so that the consultation process could begin. A date of 12.4.2019 was suggested for the start of the consultation process, subject to agreement with HBBC. Action -Pat

David said that Derek had received an email from the owners of the Botcheston C site stating that they wished to withdraw their site. Action -Pat agreed to write to them acknowledging this.

Bernard stated that as the proposal had now been accepted by the DNPWG and the consultation process could begin this would need to be advertised. Notices would need to be placed on the PC noticeboards, in the May editions of The Graphic and Parish News and on the PC and DNP websites.  Action – Bernard to draft these. Colin said that these could be published as soon as the date was agreed with Fran at HBBC.

David reported that a developer had contacted the housing group asking for a meeting.  He had replied to them stating that the process was under consultation.


  1. AOB:

Colin said that he had responded to Gary’s email about the SEA last week. The meeting between SEA (Ian McClusky), HBBC and the RCC had gone well. Bernard explained that it was technically known as a ‘focused SEA’. HBBC were interested in the SEA as they will need a SEA for their Local Plan. The same person will be doing the SEA for Desford and Newbold Verdon. He also stated that HBBC disagreed with the comments from Historic England regarding the SEA.

Judy noted that the environment group had met twice recently to discuss amendments to the environmental inventory and Figure 7 map, based on information received in the comments on the plan. Colin stated that a meeting had taken place between himself, Paul Grundy and a property owner in relation to removing 2 properties from the local heritage list. It was agreed to wait until the full meeting for these to be discussed further and approved by the DNPWG before they are sent to Gary and John Martin

Ewan asked whether the Peckleton Lane housing site had gone to the HBBC planning Committee. Colin replied that due to the local elections this could not now happen until June.


Martyn thanked everyone for attending.


  1. Date of next meeting:

This was confirmed as the 23rd April 2019 at 7pm in the library.


Meeting closed 6.40 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




DNP Working Group minutes 13th November 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 13th November 2018

1.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Andrew Norton,  Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Jim Houghton,  John Preston RCC, Judy Sharpe, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Rupert Pullin, Scott Wakefield, Michael Gregg


Apologies: Ewan Lindsay,


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Declaration of Interest:

Bernard  declared one matter of interest. His house is listed on the Heritage List


  1. Briefing by RCC

Martyn asked if everyone had received and read the briefing paper. Copies were distributed.

John Preston from the RCC spoke about the public Open Consultation Events and made a number of points.

  • It is important to answer queries and to explain the process- but personal opinions should not be expressed by DNPWG members
  • Emphasise that if comments are made they need to be written on the correct form, either paper or online and sent to the Parish Clerk.
  • Closing date 21st December 2018
  • All comments need a name and address. Anonymous comments cannot be considered
  • Paper comment forms will be available at the open events and in Desford Library until 21.12.18
  • Forms can be filled in on the day or taken away and returned to the library or posted to the clerk
  • After the 21st of December all comments will be collated by the RCC and then passed to Your Locale
  • All comments will be listed and addressed. (Some may be acknowledged before this date at the discretion of the clerk)


John answered a number of questions

  • It is expected that there could be between 35 and 60 respondents
  • The public do not need to be invited to a meeting to discuss the comments. The DNP document will be available to the public after the comments are added and it is taken to a full PC meeting. The recommendations will be reasoned outcomes.
  • YL will do most of the initial work on the comments. They will then bring these to a DNPWG meeting for the group to discuss
  • The comments and the responses will be included in the consultation document


  1. Open Consultation Events

Colin stated that paper copies of the document would be available for reference at the open events and in Desford Library. He commented that some people were already looking at these.

Jim stated that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan is now on the Desford Vision website. This is now getting 50 -60 hits a day as opposed to the average of 2 a day previously.

John Preston RCC stated he is in the process of preparing the posters for the consultation event. These will be A3 in size and laminated. An online example was shown. They will include the policy statements and reasons for these. The posters should be ready for the end of day on Thursday.

Action – Colin to liaise with John about collection of these.

The RCC will provide some maps but it was suggested that DNPWG also provide maps for the public to consult. DNPWG are providing the boards so time needs to be allowed to set the display up. Colin to take the boards, poster, maps and briefing papers to Botcheston Village Hall for 8.30am on the 17th November.

Colin asked whether the posters would explain the difference between a policy statement and a community aspiration. John agreed to include this.

Andrew suggested that the public attending the event could be given a copy of the briefing paper. It was agreed that this would be a good idea. A new heading would be needed and the date changed. June suggested that the last paragraph of the briefing paper be amended to emphasise that over 50% of those voting in the referendum need to be in favour and explain the consequences if this does not happen.

Action-Pat to amend briefing paper.

Open events

  • Botcheston Village Hall Saturday 17th November 10am to 3pm -Andrew , Bernard, Pat and Colin
  • Desford Library Saturday November 24th 10am to 3pm – Martyn, Colin, Judy, David, Rupert

Other members of the DNPWG are welcome to help at these events if available

The display in Desford library will remain up until the closing date of the 21st December 2018


  1. Publicity / distribution discussion

Flyers had been delivered to all properties except those in Kirby Muxloe. These will be done asap. Spare flyers to be given to Colin or Pat or left in the library.

John Preston has contacted all stakeholders on behalf of the RCC.

The banner advertising the consultation will be collected on the 14.11.18

Rupert commented that there were problems accessing the Desford Vision Facebook account. It may be easiest to shut down the old account and open a new one. He had put links to the Desford Vision website on Spotted Desford and the Open Gardens facebook pages.


  1. Report from PC meeting 5.11.2018

Colin reported that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan document was endorsed unanimously by the members of the PC who were present.


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

Martyn asked if there was any progress in the change of postcode for Neovia. Colin reported that Neovia and the PC have both written to the Royal Mail, but there is no progress as yet.

Martyn asked about the traffic survey report. Action-Colin to circulate report to the group.  Jim commented that all HGV working at the construction site at SiD were sent clear instructions to enter the site from Dan’s Lane. Any vehicles seen to be travelling through the village were reported to the companies concerned.

Martyn asked about the Housing Group meetings with potential developers. David stated that four meetings had taken place and that Derek and members of the housing group had attended these. Colin said that he had also attended these as a member of the PC and emphasised that all sites had been treated the same.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Bernard stated that financially there was no change from the previous meeting. There is an adequate budget to cover the publicity event within the terms of the Awards for All Grant. Gary has put this in writing to the PC.

Bernard has not had not had any further financial requests from Gary on behalf of Your Locale. When these are completed he will fill in the end of grant form for Locality as this is time limited funding.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard stated that articles about the progress of the DNPWG had been published in The Graphic and the Parish Magazine. He will prepare another article before The Graphic’s publishing deadline at the end of November. It was agreed that this would include a brief contents of the plan and the consultation events. Action -Andrew agreed to take photos of the event at Botcheston. Action -Pat and Scott agreed to help with the wording of the article.

It was agreed to send a brief article to Tom Pegden , business editor at the Leicester Mercury about the DNP.
Bernard had responded to the HBBC ‘scoping’ exercise form. He had sent Fran Belcher a copy of the timeline as the final part of this.

He mentioned that he and Pat were unable to attend the November Neighbourhood Plan Networking Event on the 20th November 2018 organised by the LCC. Action -Colin said that he had offered to attend this.

Bernard stated that a youth questionnaire had not been done. It was agreed that it was now too late to do this. Colin suggested that KS3 at Bosworth Academy could have the details of  the plan explained to them after it is finalised.


  1. Discussion of Pre- Submission Draft of Neighbourhood Plan:

Martyn reported that a comments form had already been received from a parishioner saying that their property had been wrongly described in the local listing in the DNP. Colin stated that it was up to the PC clerk to decide whether to acknowledge this, or not, and that the comments will be dealt with at the end of the consultation period.

John said that comments are not normally acknowledged.

Bernard stated that the DNPWG should give themselves a gentle pat on the back for getting this far.

Colin said that the DNPWG, as a group of lay people, should be proud  to have produced the document.


  1. AOB:

Andrew asked about how feedback could be given from the open event in Botcheston Village Hall to that in Desford Library. Colin said that he intended to attend both open events so he could do this.

It was suggested that a count be made of the numbers of people attending the events.

There was a discussion about the date of the next meeting. John stated that Gary and Your Locale should receive the report containing the comments before the end of January. Your Locale will then need to answer these and discuss them at a meeting of the DNPWG. It was agreed that at the moment there was no need for another meeting until the start of February. John reminded the group that there was still HBBC‘s own consultation period and the SEA to take place.


Martyn thanked everyone, and particularly John Preston, for attending.


  1. Date of next meeting:


Tuesday February 5th 2019 7pm at the library.


Meeting closed.  8.25 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




DNP Working Group minutes 9th October 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 9th October 2018

6.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Andrew Norton,  Colin Crane, David Crocker, Ewan Lindsay, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton,  Judy Sharpe, June Morris, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield


Apologies: Bernard Grimshaw, Nic Lockley


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

Martyn asked if there was any progress in the change of postcode for Neovia. Colin reported that he hoped to find out more at the Neovia meeting next week..

Martyn asked about the traffic survey report. Action-Colin to circulate report to the group.

Martyn asked whether the Vision Statement was currently on the PC or DNPWG website yet. Colin said that it did not appear to be on the PC website. Jim said that it was now on the DNP website.


  1. Declaration of Interest:



  1. Chairman’s Report:

Martyn stated that the final draft of the timeline had been circulated that afternoon and he hoped that everyone would have an opportunity to read it. Colin said that the PC would need this for their meeting on the 17th October 2018.

Martyn said that the developers would need to time to challenge the Pre- Submission draft. David stated that the Housing Group and Derek would be meeting CERDA later in the week.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Bernard had emailed a report which Martyn read out. He stated that financially there was no change from the previous meeting . There is an adequate budget to cover the publicity event within the terms of the Awards for All Grant.

Colin stated that approval for funding the printing of leaflets, publicising the public consultation and open events, and delivery by The Graphic, would be going to the PC Resources Committee on the 10th October. No firm figure for the cost of delivery was available yet as they would have to be delivered separately from the magazine.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard had emailed a report which Martyn read out. Bernard stated that articles about the DNPWG progress had been published in The Graphic and the Parish Magazine. He will prepare another article for The Graphic after tonight’s meeting.
Bernard had responded to the HBBC ‘scooping exercise‘ form.

He mentioned that he and Pat were unable to attend the November Neighbourhood Plan Networking Event organised by the LCC. Colin said that he and Ewan had offered to attend this.

Bernard reported that there had been one query through the Desford Vision website relating to the CERDA proposal. Colin, David, Derek, Pat and Scott had helped him to prepare a reply which the inquisitor found helpful.


  1. Discussion of Updated Draft of Neighbourhood Plan:

Discussion of the Updated Draft Plan took place. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.


  1. Consultation event / Publicity / Distribution discussion / Future Timeline:

Discussion of the Consultation Event, publicity distribution  and future Timeline took place. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.



  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford:

Jim stated that the Vision statement has now been uploaded to the website.

Action – Jim to upload the DNP and comments form to the website after the PC meeting on the 5th November.


  1. AOB:

Gary stated that the DNPWG could assume that the RCC would be leading on the consultation events. All the collated comments would come through from the RCC to YL who would then filter these. A DNPWG meeting would need to be held to discuss these. There needs to be a formal response to each comment. All comments are public and all comments, responses and amendments have to be submitted to HBBC. The examiner will see all of these.

David asked where and how people could respond. It was agreed that comments  could be posted through the library door or emailed to the clerk.

Gary said that there could be expected to be 30 to 40 pages of comments. He mentioned that all statutory agencies will respond as well as LCC, HBBC, developers and members of the public. There is £1500 from the Awards for All Grant to help with this. He also mentioned that YL would appreciate some of this for their work next week amending the plan.

Andrew asked if there could be a pre consultation briefing before the open events. It was agreed that there should be a briefing paper for helpers. Action – Martyn to prepare briefing paper Action– Pat to contact RCC about possibility of them helping with this briefing. Pat noted that the RCC will provide the display materials but are unable to help with the open events on the day due to previous commitments. The group will also need to provide stands and display boards. Judy asked whether there would be the need for more paper copies of the DNP at BVH due to lack of access to computers. Andrew offered to take his own computer to BVH but stated that there is no Wifi in the building. He also commented that Superfast Wifi was not due to be available in Botcheston until 2022.


  1. Date of next meeting:


Tuesday November 13th 2018 7pm at the library.


Meeting closed.  7.05 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




DNP Working Group minutes 11th September 2018

DNP Working Group minutes 11th September 2018

7.00pm Desford Library


In Attendance: Bernard Grimshaw, Colin Crane, David Crocker, Derek Doran (YL), Ewan Lindsay, Judy Sharpe, Martyn Randle, Pat Crane, Scott Wakefield


Apologies: Andrew Norton, Gary Kirk (YL), Jim Houghton, Nic Lockley


  1. Welcome:

Martyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies to be listed


  1. Minutes of last meeting / matters arising:

The minutes were discussed and approved as a true record and signed by Martyn accordingly.

Martyn asked if there was any progress in the change of postcode for Neovia. Colin reported that Peter Bedford is chasing this.

Martyn asked about the traffic survey report. Action-Colin to circulate report to the group.

Martyn asked whether the Vision Statement was currently on the PC or DNPWG website yet. Colin said that it did not appear to be on the PC website.


  1. Declaration of Interest:



  1. Chairman’s Report:

Martyn stated that HBBC have now provided Gary with the housing requirement figures.

He mentioned that there might be no requirement to have a SEA report.

Martyn said that there were currently 3 development companies wanting to discuss future housing projects and that the group should not be seen to be communicating with third parties until work on the plan was completed. Pat commented that there had only been a response to Richard West (CERDA) as the PC had been directly approached. Richard had been invited to speak to the PC Planning Committee and members of the DNPWG and other PC members had been invited to this meeting. Notes from this meeting had been circulated by Judy.

It was agreed that housing matters would be discussed later in the meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s Report / grant applications:

Bernard stated that one invoice had been received from Your Locale. This was for putting together of the DNP document and assessment work for the Housing Site Survey. He mentioned that Gary had confirmed there would be no further invoices from Your Locale.

Bernard said that there was a balance of £7,000 left in the account and reminded the group that this money was only available until 31.3.2019. Colin said that there was still some PC funding available if needed.


  1. Communication Officer’s Report:

Bernard stated that he had supplied the Vision Statement to Jim but it was not yet on the website.

He thanked Scott and Pat for their work on a report for The Graphic and Parish News magazines.

Bernard had received a communication from John Preston at the RCC confirming that they will help with the SEA screening and publicity.

A letter from HBBC had been received inviting the DNPWG to send details of the current progress of the NP document. Action It was agreed that Bernard and Pat would liaise with the Parish Clerk to respond to this.


  1. Presentation by Housing Group:

An update was given by the housing group. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.


  1. Report on PC Planning Committee meeting with Richard West:

A report of this meeting was given. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.


  1. Discussion of Updated Draft of Neighbourhood Plan:

Discussion of the Updated Draft Plan took place. It was agreed that this was sensitive information and was embargoed until the Draft is released for Pre- Submission Consultation.


  1. Consultation event / Publicity / Distribution discussion:

Bernard stated that once the DNP pre-submission draft had been approved by the PC there were various further stages to go through. He queried the date that this was likely to happen. Pat commented that the next two PC meetings were on the 17th October and the 21st November and that technically the draft should go first to the PC Planning Committee, which meets on the first Monday of the month. Scott suggested that there could be a special meeting of the Planning Committee nearer the PC meeting date to discuss the draft NP plan. This would allow further time for the finalising of the draft plan.

It was agreed to target the PC meeting on the 17th October, subject to agreement from Gary.  Action -Derek to speak to Gary about this.

Colin asked where the Consultation Event would take place. It was agreed that events would be held in Botcheston and also in Desford library, possibly over a weekend. The event would need to be manned. Dates and times are to be agreed once the draft plan is passed by the PC.  The event would be publicised on the Parish noticeboards, websites and in The Graphic and Parish News if time allowed. Also it would be publicised on Twitter and Facebook with links to the website. It was suggested that Martyn co-ordinates this. Bernard stated that once Gary had confirmed a date he would let John Preston at RCC know.

Colin queried how many paper copies of the draft plan would be needed.  It was agreed that a few could be printed, but most could be read on line from the website.


  1. Web page / Twitter /Spotted Desford:

Judy said that she had had an email from Jim saying that the DNPWG minutes were now on the website.

She had also noticed a spelling mistake on the website (first h missing in neighbourhood at bottom of page).

She had asked Jim to mention this to Craig.

      Action – Ask Jim to upload the Vision statement to website.

      Action– Colin to speak to the Parish Council Clerk and ask him to put Vision statement on the PC website.


  1. AOB:

David commented that it now looked as though the DNP was back on schedule to meet the timings Gary had suggested.


  1. Date of next meeting:


Tuesday 9th October 2018 7pm at the library.


Meeting closed.  8.01 pm.


I confirm this is a true record of the meeting:


Signed……………………………………………………………..   Name……………………………………………………………




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